Collaborative Network Music Workshop

Hands-on course by Alo Allik and Anna Xambó

Years: Spring 2018, Winter 2019

Course Description: This 2-day hands-on workshop has been designed to understand the main concepts in collaborative network music and core building blocks in SuperCollider. The concepts should be transferable to other programming languages. The style of the workshop is Q&A, based on group work, open and adaptable to the level and pace of the students.



This workshop has been delivered in:

  • Allik, A., Xambó, A. (January 16, 2019). “Musical Networks of Live Coders”. International Conference on Live Coding 2019, Medialab Prado, Madrid, Spain.
  • Allik, A., Xambó, A. (April 7–8, 2018). “Collaborative Network Music”. Rewire 2018, The Hague, The Netherlands. Organized by Music Hackspace. Funded by Rewire. A video is available here.
Collaborative Network Music workshop @ Rewire 2018.
Collaborative Network Music workshop @ Rewire 2018. Photo by Susanna Garcia.