HCI + Sound & Music Computing
Technology • Design • Experience
This is my personal website, blog and portfolio. The views expressed on this website/blog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other individual or organisation.
A Random Blog Post 2006-2022
Kremlin (August 1, 2006) by Xambó, A. on streeTypes
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Latest Publications
- New Xambó, A., Roma, G. (2024) “Human-machine agencies in live coding for music performance”. Journal of New Music Research, 1–14 (Open Access).
- New Marino, L., Xambó, A. (2024) Developing DIY Solar-Powered, Off-Grid Audio Streamers for Forest Soundscapes: Progress and Challenges. In Proceedings of the CHIME Annual One-day Music and HCI Conference 2024. The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
- Zheng, S., Del Sette, B.M., Saitis, C., Xambó, A., Bryan-Kinns, N. (2024) "Building Sketch-to-Sound Mapping with Unsupervised Feature Extraction and Interactive Machine Learning". In Proceedings of the New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 24). Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Latest Performances
- Forthcoming (May, 2025) Xambó, A. Sensing the Alice Holt Forest. International Conference of Live Coding (ICLC 2025), Barcelona, Spain.
- (November 30, 2023) Live coding session at I2MT Inaugural Concert. Featuring music works by Juan Martinez Avila, Steve Benford, Craig Vear, John Richards (AKA Dirty Electronics) and special guest Anna Xambó. University of Nottingham, UK.
- (June 14, 2023) Xambó, A. "Ceci n'est pas une usine". +RAIN Film Fest, Universitat Pompeu Fabra/Sonar+D, Barcelona, Spain.
Latest Other Activities
- Forthcoming (March 13, 2025). Oral Presenter (online): "Live Coding a Chorale of Sounds Using MIRLCa: State of Affairs and Implications". SuperCollider Symposium 2025. Johns Hopkins University. Washington D.C., USA.
- New (February 28, 2025). Invited talk "Intersecting Sonic Arts & Computing: A Portfolio Journey" at Music Engineering Forum. University of Miami. Miami, FL, USA.
- New Web Audio Conference - WAC’25 [10th anniversary]. Co-organized by Ircam and Mozilla, 19-21 November 2025, Paris, France. Call for submissions: Deadline June 13, 2025.
Interviews / On the Press
- (June 7, 2024) Unpopular opinion: AI won’t kill the music industry. Article by Günseli Yalcinkaya. DAZED.
- (August/September, 2023) Testimonial of how I am coping with and using AI in my musical practice, published in the article AI and the Future of Human Made Music. Introduction and Interviews by Jonas Vognsen. Perfect Sound Forever online music magazine.
- (May, 2023) Testimonial from my participation in the panel "Music creation" at the event "Challenges and Opportunities in Music Tech - Open Debate", Universitat Pompeu Fabra, published in the article How will AI coexist with human music? The future is now. Article by Karma Peiró. Challenges and Opportunities in Music Tech. Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.