Anna Xambó at the AHRC Sensing the Forest Hackathon at Northern Research Station Edinburgh (November 13, 2024). Photo by Mahmoud Elmokadem.

The date of this blog post, which was supposed to be published at the end of last year, tells already how busy it has been! It feels like time passes exponentially.

Following my previous reflections on 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, in this blog post, I reflect on how this year has been in terms of key activities and outputs, as well as discuss my intentions for 2025.


This year, my research work has mostly focused on transferring the AHRC Sensing the Forest from De Montfort University to Queen Mary University of London and on executing the work packages with the project team, which has taken most of my research time.

There has been also time for writing. This year, I have been involved in two journal articles, a conference paper, an abstract in proceedings, and a workshop position paper:


This year I have contributed to the following two modules while also doing the Postgraduate Certificate Academic Practice (PGCAP) to improve my teaching style (2024-ongoing):

  • ECS742P Interactive Digital Multimedia Techniques (Autumn 2024)
  • ECS637U/ECS757P Digital Media and Social Networks (Spring 2024)

On 3 September 2024, I gave the invited tutorial Design strategies and techniques to better support collaborative, egalitarian and sustainable musical interfaces at the DAFx24 conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.

Anna Xambó at the DAFx24 conference presenting a tutorial (September 3, 2024). Photo by the DAFx24 Team.


As part of the Interactive Digital Multimedia Techniques (IDMT), we organised a concert at the end of the module featuring the instruments built by the students during the module.

Poster for the IDMT 2024 Concert.



Together with Katja Ivanova, on March 15, 2024, we launched the EECS Women in Higher Education Network (WHEN). During the year, we have organised a series of meetups and social events.

WHEN logo.

Invited talks

In 2024, I have been invited to give the following talks:

  • (April 24, 2024). "In the search for sound-based music using MIRLCa, a SuperCollider extension for live coding a coral of sounds". NOTAM SuperCollider Meetup with James Harkins and Anna Xambó. Online.
  • (March 13, 2024). Seminar talk "Collaborative, Participatory and Practice-based Research Methods for Sound and Music Computing". CogSci seminar. Queen Mary University of London. London, UK.
  • (February 22, 2024). Seminar talk "Sound and Music Computing Goes Wild: From Communities to Ecosystems". AIM Forum. Centre for Digital Music. Queen Mary University of London. London, UK.
  • (January 24, 2024). Seminar talk "Reflections on the use of CC sounds in creative computing". Research Forum. CeReNeM: Centre for Research in New Music. University of Huddersfield. Huddersfield, UK.

PhD examiner

I have been honoured to be PhD examiner of the following PhD candidates:

  • (December 18, 2024). External PhD examiner for Aliénor Golvet. PhD thesis title: "Distributed Music Systems: Designing Web-Based Tools for Artistic Research and Practice (Systèmes Musicaux Distribués: Concevoir des Outils Web pour la Recherche et la Pratique Artistique)". PhD degree in Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son (IRCAM · CNRS · Sorbonne Université), IRCAM, Paris, France.
  • (August 14, 2024). External PhD examiner for CHEN Manni. PhD thesis title: "Between Noise and Structure: Artificial Intelligence and Humans in Music Production". PhD degree in Creative Media; City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  • (May 7, 2024). Internal PhD examiner for Elizabeth Wilson. PhD thesis title: "Affective Live Coding: Fostering Human-Machine Collaboration with Autonomous Agents". PhD degree in Media Arts and Technology; School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science; Queen Mary University of London, UK.

Public engagement

I have also contributed to panels of discussions, the opening of an art exhibition in the forest and the organisation of a hackathon in Edinburgh:

  • (November 12-13, 2024). Hackathon at Northern Research Station Edinburgh.
  • (June 20, 2024). Your Sonic Forest - Hear Nature Speak through Sound Installations in Alice Holt Forest.
  • (13 June 2024) We are the music makers… with Anna Xambó (C4DM-QMUL), Magda Polo (UB EKHO), Rob Clouth, Sergi Jordà (UPF), and Thor Magnusson (Intelligent Instruments Lab). Moderated by Günseli Yalcinkaya (Dazed). Curated by Antònia Folguera. AI & Music Forum. Sonar Festival. Barcelona, Spain.
  • (April 12, 2024). Participation in the Academic Panel on The Development and Application of AI in Music". Hosted by ARU’s Dr. Sven-Amin Lembke. Panelists: Dr Anna Xambo Sedo, Dr Geraint A. Wiggins, Dr Oded Ben-Tal and Dr Robin Laney. Sound of Tomorrow, Anglia Ruskin University's Helmore Recital Hall, Cambridge, UK.

  • From left-right, Günseli Yalcinkaya, Thor Magnusson, Sergi Jordà, Rob Clouth, Anna Xambó and Magda Polo's team member. Group Photo by Joseph Jean Marc.
    From left-right, Subhash Arockiadoss, Luigi Marino, Georgios Xenakis, Anna Xambó, Stanley Parker, Ning Liu, and Mahmoud Elmokadem. Group Photo by Mahmoud Elmokadem.
    Group Photo of the Summer School at Alice Holt Forest by Shuoyang Zheng.
    ## Other achievements / press / expositions * (June 7, 2024) [Unpopular opinion: AI won’t kill the music industry]( Article by Karma Peiró. Article by Günseli Yalcinkaya. DAZED.

    New Year’s resolutions

    I am happy to announce the launch of the Computational Sonic Arts Laboratory, a research team based in the Centre for Digital Music (C4DM) at Queen Mary University of London dedicated to advancing the intersection of sonic arts and cutting-edge technology.

    We are heading the final period of the AHRC Sensing the Forest project. We are very ambitious, but we also need to be realistic. This period is becoming the time to start completing prototypes and releasing outputs. We are working hard on those. Since I am at QMUL, the team has been expanding! I feel honoured to work with so many incredible minds.

    Happy New Year 2025!


    Thanks to my colleagues at QMUL for helping me set up, for the opportunities, and for the vibrant conversations. Many thanks to the Sensing the Forest team for all the amazing moments and for working together with the challenges. Thank you to Gerard and my parents for their constant advice and help.